Sunday, April 24, 2011

Unfinish bussiness - Intern-et

i didnt finish this and just thought it was damn too long to continue writing, so this is it :D

My first encounter with this magical awesome human born technology named computer was way back when I am 13. Five nos of PC arranged in the computer room next to my school library. And it is not easy to get my hand on them. First you need to be a computer club member. Second, you need to get your name on the daily waiting list. Daily means that day list, you cannot put your name on tomorrow's list. There is no tomorrow list on the current day. And believe me, cronyism already started since man first landed his feet on this mother earth, read : you need to have friends who assigned to take care of that computer room to get your name on the top of the list. Well, the world is always cruel, even for a 13 year old. I still remember, to turn on the computer, we need to use some kind of disk, BIOS if I'm not mistaken, about 6 inch flappy black envelop with magnetic tape inside. Most fun of all, there only one application/software running on that computer. I cant recall the actual name, but it was a "computerize" encyclopedia. You select the topic, it show you a kind of power point presentation, and by clicking next, you'll go to the next page. Far far away compared to today's software. During that year, slide show was a bombastic animation.

Next come the internet. And it hits hard. It was year 1998 if i'm not mistaken. Also the year i got my first email, Cybercafes grows like mushrooms after the rain. Could say every corner of my hometown, Machang, you'll find a cyber cafe. But there's any of them did materialized the word cafe in that cyber cafe name, just cyber. Even my friend Frost, founder of Friengers yet to materialize it. But it was my observation during few early visits after the opening and i do believe that one day in future, it would be the first actual cyber cafe in Kelantan. Go go Friengers!!!

Even though I start to know internet in 1998, but I was yet a junkies as today. I think it actually started in my college years. Kuktem ( now known as UMP) was a great college. It provide free wireless internet throughout the campus. Some might say it was only at hostel area, but I spend most of my time in my hostel room so its throughout the campus for me, hahaha. Unfortunately, I only could savor the sweetness of internet on my third year. In year 2003, you'll need to have nearly RM 2k to own a desktop and nearly RM 3k something to be a proud owner of laptop. And keep in mind, those are the lower end price. And after saving my PTPTN for one year, I managed to build my own PC from scratch for RM 1200 ++, hahaha, a big achievement of that time.

And I had become a loyal , addicted internet junkies since then. I could spend hours in front my PC surfing the net. Surf here and there, limits and border never exist. Even if the network administrator puts barricades, lots of barricades, we find our way out through clouds, when they block Yahoo Messenger, we install Skype. There always an alternative. I also learn to kill other people connections to make sure my movies are downloaded faster.Hahaha.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Pukul 1 :12 pagi waktu Malaysia

Pukul 2:12 pagi waktu Tokyo

Pukul 4:12 pagi waktu Sydney

Pukul 12:12 tengahari waktu  New York

Pukul 5:12 petang waktu London

Pukul 6:12 petang waktu Paris

Gua tak le tido! Cilake!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Join kami buat amal kebajikan!

Gua ada seorang kawan. Gua namakan kawan gua Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar).

Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) adalah simbol cool yang amat. Berkulit putih, rambut lurus, boleh bercakap dalam tiga bahasa, mempunyai visi dan misi yang jelas. Asalnya beliau adalah seorang pembuat besi, menyedari karier tersebut tidak menepati jiwa dan mentaliti beliau, beliau mencampak diploma simbol 4 tahun mengabdikan diri pada ilmu besi, lalu belajar ilmu komputer. Alhamdulillah, kini beliau berjaya menempatkan diri di Lembah Silikon Malaysia. oh, beliau juga pandai bermain gitar, ni betul betul punya pandai.betul!

Pada mata gua, kehidupan Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) boleh dikatakan ceria, turun naik tu permainan hidup kan? Tapi semenjak setahun lepas, gua dapat rasakan kemurungan telah singgah di benak member gua ni. Ini semua gara - gara mazda cabuk berenjin turbo yang beliau beli. Mungkin kerana tidak mahu terlibat dengan urus niaga riba (fakta ini masih belum sahih) kerana itu lah beliau membeli mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut. RM15k, cash!

Sebagai mana para pembaca mendefinisikan cabuk, begitu lah keadaan kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut. Ada saja masalah dan ada saja rosak. Walaubagaimanapun Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) tetap mengatakan kos repair mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut semua semuanya ialah RM 2K. Gua langsung tak percaya.

Kemuncak kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut buat panas, apabila ia berjaya bergerak dengan sendiri dari ruang parkir ke tengah jalan. Nasib baik lah jalan taman, kalau lah jalan tersebut adalah Federal Highway, bertambah panas jiwa pemandu pemandu ibu kota. Dari kejadian itu, maka kami menamakan kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo sebagai The Flying Dutchman lantas nama Ibrahim bertukar kepada Mr Davy Jones. Versi  lebih kacak.

Hasil sesi mengeteh gua bersama En Ayo (bukan nama sebenar, melayu), kami mengimpikan untuk membayar harga kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo itu. Kerana kami mahu menghalau kemurungan di benak Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar). Dan kami mahu melihat senyuman manis menusuk kalbu beliau kembali terukir di wajah bulatnya itu.

Tapi bukan itu saja yang kami mahu lakukan. Sekiranya kami berjaya membeli kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo itu, kami akan menyiksa nya, sebagai mana ia telah menyiksa sahabat kami.

Rancangan kami adalah seperti berikut :

1. Dengan menggunakan baseball bat milik En Ayo (bukan nama sebenar, melayu), badan kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo akan diketuk2 sesuka hati dengan syarat ketukan hanya pada bahagian berunsur keluli sahaja. Kata kata kesat yang bersesuaian juga digalakkan untuk dituturkan dalam proses tersebut.

2. Kami akan membawa kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo berjalan2 di tempat awam dengan niat untuk merendah rendahkan martabat nya.

3. Kami akan memandu kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut di kawasan laluan sukar seperti semak samun , jalan permukaan beralun dan berlubang. Aktiviti ini bagaimanapun dilakukan dengan syarat kerosakan major tidak berlaku sehinggakan kereta tersebut tidak dapat bergerak.

4. Acara klimaks ialah dengan memandu kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo itu dengan laju menuju sesuatu yang masih belum ditentukan pada masa ini dan melompat keluar dari kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut. Proses ini akan diulang ulang sehinggalah kereta mazda cabuk berenjin turbo tersebut tidak mampu bersifat kereta normal lagi. Dan hati kami puas. Acara ini memerlukan sukarelawati dari kolej kolej kejururawatan yang bertaburan di ibu kota memandangkan risiko dan kebahayaan yang mungkin berlaku. Di ulang, sukarelaWATI sahaja.

Oh ya, semua aktiviti tersebut perlu dilakukan bersaksikan mata kepala en Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) sendiri. Kami yakin bahawa beliau akan menitiskan air mata memandangkan beliau seorang yang sentimental hatinya. Tapi kami yakin, di akhir garisan nanti, Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) akan sedar semua ini dilakukan akibat dari rasa kasih sayang kami sebagai sahabat.

Oleh itu, gua dengan ini melancarkan projek ini dengan penuh rendah hati dan bersifat rendah diri. Mengumpulkan RM15k dalam tempoh yang singkat agak mustahil bagi gua, sebab kalau ianya tidak mustahil, maka tidak mustahil gua sudah bergelar suami orang.

Adakah anda berminat untuk merealisasikan impian kami? Berminat untuk memadam sayu di benak en Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar)?

Hubungi gua untuk menyumbang! U know where you can reach me.

P/S : En Ibrahim (bukan nama sebenar) masih bujang.

P/S/S : Pendaftaran sebagai sukarelawati juga dibuka sekarang.

P/S/S/S : Gua tak pasti adakah betul cara menulis P/S ni, tapi kira kaw tim lah ek? Hah Hah Hah

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

. . .

update! nyeh nyeh nyeh

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is not Inception where you dream in dream and dreaming again...

When apple came out with iPhone, the whole world turn into a hype. Everybody want to lay their hand on this revolution-that-change the world mobile phone. It make the world realize mobile phone is not a mere mobile phone anymore, not the device that connect humanity to another humanity at real time but it is something more than that. I do wonder, what is Mr. A.G Bell thinks if he raised up from the six feet under and see the world today.

Are applications on the phone is new? are touch screens are new? A simple question to Mr Google reveals that the first touch screen was invented in 1974 by Mr Sam Hurst as well as the biological father of touch technology. source: While the first touch screen phone is ...

One might say, yeah, you love the history, so what?

As an ex-engineering student majoring in electronic itself, i couldn't stop myself from being sentimental with the touch screen. My first encounter of touch screen back in 2004 when we were taught on how to create applications of touch screen. During the lab experiment, it never cross my mind that touch screen will be touch screen today. Of course that is the basic touch screen with monitor like our old tv set, not as crystalize as we have today. The contras was as basic as Prince Persia in 1990s. Even that time i'm not really interested with the touch screen, who will use such a lame thing? No wow! factor, nothing attractive. Seriously I never thought that bulky and low contrast technology would be as handy and gorgeous as today. Never!

Am I whining? No.

Those sentimental thing on touch screen spark a question in my mind. Why I never thought that would happen? Why I didnt see the potential? Why during our first encounter all I see was the all-the-lame-thing of touch screen?

I do wonder, did the lecturer, the instructor of the class see this coming when he taught us?

I think what's missing is the imagination. The ability to see the evolution. And I do think that only imagination would create evolutions. Like Mr Bell himself, I don't think that he was thinking when he decided to invent telephone, he must be day dreaming with his pen, killing his time when suddenly the day dreaming part become an imagination. But with Mr Bell, the imagination which later become an invention while most of us usually stuck with day dreaming.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

état d'esprit

Mindset is a blockage.

Bijak pandai kata kita adalah apa yg minda kita bagitahu kita.

Is it a waste when we are crazy bout something, music for example, instead of listening, we want to create your own music, or we love the melody of the song but to my fairly ears, the lyrics sucks, sucks a lot. I could write a better music, so i went out on ebay, bought an audio mixer , i learn how to use it, i write my own lyrics, and i post it on my blog and facebook. Since I'm a seasonist, after a few songs, a few periods, i get bored, i feel that my real life couldn't catch up anymore, I stop doing it. Hang the audio mixer on the wall, let it dust. Finally i decide to put it on ebay, then another girl from another part of the world buy it for half price i bought. Was it a waste? was it? Seem like i been nowhere with the madness i once had, I spoiled my money, in the end I'm at lost. Was it actually? How about the fun i had with those songs, those emails i got, fans admiring my lyrics? (Most of it from girls of course :P ) How many people at my kampung have touch the audio mixer? Or know what the hell was it? or even know how to spell it? Was those a waste at all?


Kau nak certify true copy ko punya sijil dengan transkrip. Duduk KL ni bukan boleh nak mintak cop mohor tok penghulu. Kadang kadang terfikir jugak, KL ni ada Tok Penghulu tak? Ni bukan main main punya cop mohor, tambah pulak nak mendaftarkan diri dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Nak kene pakai cop mohor Jurutera Professional. Di persimpangan samada nak balik peram balik borang borang yang dah 3 bulan diisi atau nak rempuh je mana mana pejabat dalam bangunan JKR 17 tingkat tu mintak cop mohor. Tambah pulak orang orang kat Bangunan JKR ni, semua muka ketat ketat kalo bukan kita yang menegur dulu. Aku faham, diaorang nak kena jaga integriti, keje dengan JKR ni ingat dugaan kecik ke? Silap buat ramah, orang tumbuk rusuk iye dak? Mau balik rumah layan siling kalau silap langkah.

Here our mind play the big game. The decision we make reveal our true self. What are we? What are we made of. If we play it right, we'll know ourself, we'll see what our mindset looks like.

Apa jadi akhirnya?

Adakah saya akan membeli synthesizer itu? Tidak
Adakah sijil dan transkirp saya akhirnya  mendapat Cop Mohor Jurutera Professional? Ya.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Being Special

Selalu kita dengar, yang persaingan adalah bagus jika persaingan sihat. Cemburu juga bagus jika cemburu itu membuatkan kita lebih berusaha ke arah yang lebih baik.

Bagaimana kalau kita melakukan persaingan, kita cemburu dan berusaha memuaskan cemburu itu, untuk mencapai objektif yang berlebel positif dan dalam usaha atau perjalanan mencapai objektif itu, ada jiwa yang terguris, luka malah terkorban? Adakah itu masih baik?

Kerap kita dengar, rungutan yang berbunyi,
" Jadi Bos senang lah, push kita sana sini, karang apa apa dia jugak dapat nama."

Dan hasil dari boss menge-push, company you listed dalam Bursa Malaysia, dalam MESDEQ, masuk akhbar bagai.

Dan kamu megah, menghulur kad nama kamu, yang di atas nama kamu ada nama company kamu.

Macam mana tu?

Macam mana dengan situasi lain dalam kehidupan?

Mungkin keadaan akan berubah, kalau Bos sendiri tunjuk pada anak anak buah nya, bahawa Bos juga menyinsing lengan, terjun memerah keringat untuk mencapai objektif tadi, itu pun kalau Bos betul betul memerah keringat, kalau Bos rupa rupanya tahu suruh orang je kerja kuat, mungkin sudah masa untuk Bos juga bekerja kuat.

Mungkin bila jadi Bos, sudah jadi terbiasa dengan privilege yang ada, setiap hari di tatang, sampai kalau dulu masuk ofis secretary bancuhkan kopi siap siap kat pantry sudah rasa status Bos itu special, sekarang mahu kopi di hantar ke meja. Seolah olah, penat lelah secretary bancuh kopi siap siap tu belum cukup special selagi belum sampai ke meja.

Bukan Bos tak hargai penat secretary, cuma Bos pergi mesyuarat dekat ofis lain, ternampak bos company lain, secretary hantar kopi ke meja. Jadi Bos rasa cemburu, rasa diri kurang special, sebab tu bila Bos balik ofis, Bos demand kopi  mesti hantar ke meja!

Rupanya Bos tak tahu, dekat ofis bos lain tadi, bukan secretary yang hantar kopi, tapi sebenarnya tea-lady, kebetulan hari tu tea-lady ada jemputan kenduri, sebab tu pakai cantik cantik, terus Bos kita ingat tea-lady tu as secretary.

Rupanya ketidak-tahuan Bos kita tadi, sudah bikin secretary terasa hati, sebab nampak Bos macam tak hargai penat lelah secretary nak buat Bos hepi. Tapi secretary faham perangai bos. Bos mengada-ngada bukan lama, cuma kadang-kadang panas jugak rasanya.

Lama lama nanti bos faham lah.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Post Dedicated to My Istimewa

Its 7 hours to go.

I know it is hard, it never an easy path you took.

It is time for you to kick their asses, and show them how worth you are.

Good luck Dear, kick their asses hard, and wave them good bye!

My love and pray are with you....

Update at 11:30am

  She called me on 6:57am, asking me to check her hall address, i was like, "oh dear, she only have 15 minutes left before her session start", I want to call her to know the updates but I dont want my "concern" spoil her mood, 4 years of study and this is the big time.

7:50am - My phone rings and Istimewa at the other end. The presentation are done, the comment was Excellent! ,

My reaction : Are you serious? 4 years of study and the presentation was about 45 minutes? My imagination was, there will be a coffee break, break for lunch, plano sessions, Q & A, and maybe it took a 3 days to finish! Ok, not 3 days, but at least till noon isn't it? 
But, yeah, I'm just a degree holder ...  :P

Sunday, May 30, 2010

When you pull the rubber band, it stretches.

When I lost my laptop to penyamun tarbus, I felt empty. I re-read The Kite Runner again and finished it in one night. I tried to read Malay Dilemma and again I felt asleep. Too heavy reading is another thing I yet know how to handle. As well as yawning when ppl giving long speech.

Then I get to borrow my company laptop. A super ultra damn slow laptop. I had to tweak here and there to make it a bit faster. Still I cannot open more than two IE and tab browsing is a big NO.

Losing the luxury of my laptop and having a bit hell of this office laptop teach me something. Teaching me on how to tolerate. With this laptop, I had to accept the fact that there are slow things in this fast paced world. I had to tolerate to it slow-ness so that I didn't burst grumpy and send it flying across my room straight to the wall.

This remind me to Fariz who once told me, " Embrace diversity!" , (Hoo, fariz, aku ingat lagi mu royat gitu ko aku.) Because when we accept the differences in ppl, we suddenly find those un-easiness and messed up, gone.

Thanks Fariz for giving me those wise words. I do learnt.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Loses of 2010

On (date) , as i wake up from my lovely sleep, actually woke up by a big yell by my rarely spoken to housemate, i notice one of my precious belonging gone, my laptop. Then i found my fat wallet laying flat on the stair, and my sentimental bagpack had gone.Owh, my handphones too.

I've been robbed!!!

Somebody break into my house and steal my belongging. Damn.

I think it is the first lost in my life. Same situation happen before when i was young to my parent house. Eventhough i do not posses expensive stuff but those thing are quite important as well as big stuff i had. The laptop I bought after one year I become a labour, the backpack i had since my college years, the handphones get to my hands from the bonuses and my salary increment. Damn.

The tragedy left me quite paralyze. Lost all important contacts, numbers and my movies and tv series collections. It would take fairly hard ground to take off to re-collect those back, How I met Your Mother season 1-5, Brothers & Sisters season 1-4, my HD Harry Potter collection, most of all, I have to use this super ultra slow laptop borrowed from my office temporarily.

Local post mortem said those thieves might use mystic power upon us. Casting spells to our house to that we would sleep soundly and never notice they break in.

I think I'm going to install those indoor alarms, one like in 7Eleven, but i need it very loud that it can wake up my neighbours in case the thieves put spell on us. It would be very safety thinking of them to put spell on our neighbour too isn't?